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About our team

The goal of the data support team is to assist customers in data extraction, collection, management and analysis using a wide variety of different databases and tools.

Services include (but are not limited to):

Data Extraction
  • From the Intermountain Healthcare enterprise data warehouse (EDW).
    • E.g. imaging, pharmacy, real time visit data
  • From the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) database.
  • Data linkage and analysis to other available and accessible databases such as:
    • The Utah Department of Health (UDOH),
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
    • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
    • Healthcare cost and Utilization Project (HCUP-KID)
Project Stewardship and Asset Management
  • Assist with data management in a secure and safe environment following the Privacy Rule and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Services can include:
    • Creating forms for data input into a secure database.
    • Creating geodatabases and maps utilizing geographical information systems for spatial analysis.
    • Implementing protocols and tools for the identification of patients for enrollment in research studies(using both retrospective or prospective data sources).
  • Advise and assist with University of Utah (ERICA) and/or Intermountain Healthcare Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications and submissions

If you are interested in learning more or seeking our services, please fill out the form below.


Kelly Huynh
Data Analyst
Freddy Novoa
Data Analyst