University Career Development
CTSI K12 Mentored Career Development Program
Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)'s K12 Mentored Career Development program has 2 different tracks for investigators: the K12 Institutional Career Development Program and the CTSI Partner Scholars program.
The K12 Institutional Career Development Program offers training for mentored research and career development support for clinical junior investigators. Its goal is to stimulate innovative research initiatives and career development. The program is tailored to the research and career development needs of each scholar and offers didactic education, mentored research, interdisciplinary works-in-progress seminars, and team-building experiences.
The Utah CTSI K12 Program works closely with the University of Utah’s Partner Career Development Program. Primary Children’s Hospital Foundation (PCHF) and Intermountain Healthcare (IHC) provide support to additional career development positions. Collaboratively, these partnerships provide scholars an environment that encourages team science, peer mentoring, and innovation.
Program Link: https://ctsi.utah.edu/education/k12-mentored-career-development-program
The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) sponsors K-Club, a monthly lunchtime meeting or early-career clinical and translational researchers. Each meeting features a speaker who is preparing a grant application, which may be a career development award such as NIH individual K award proposal, VA Career Development award, or an independent research project proposal such as a first R01. Faculty from Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Psychiatry are regular participants.
Program Link: https://ctsi.utah.edu/education/grant-writing-support/k-club
Vice Presidents Clinical Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars
The VPCAT Research Scholars Program is a competitive two-year program which provides its scholars with holistic mentoring, leadership training, research resources and grant support. Successful applicants have a scientific research mentor and a defined research area. Applications are due in the summer each year.