Pediatrics Research
Research Dedicated to Children's Health & Wellbeing
The Department of Pediatrics at the University of Utah is dedicated to research to improve the health and well-being of children at all life stages. Our researchers and clinicians conduct a broad range of research to advance this goal. Our goal is the bench-to-bedside translation of T0 to T4 research.
We study basic cellular and genetic mechanisms of health and disease; environmental and social factors impacting health; the economics and implementation of care; epidemiology of diseases; trials of new therapies and approaches; and direct care for children.
The Research Enterprise in the Department of Pediatrics oversees and coordinates research; manages clinical trials; offers research support services; and conducts research education, to promote and assist pediatric research and extramural funding.
Four Distinct Research Missions
- Maintain a sustainable infrastructure for the department of Pediatrics, supporting all phases of the research cycle.
- Support models of team science.
- Prepare a core of investigators and staff able to work in a team environment and to share knowledge and resources related to the research continuum.
- Train and mentor investigators engaged in all types of pediatric research.
- Prepare investigators to move from "how to do research" to "how to conduct and manage research."
- Encourage PI responsibility by showing them how to "work with staff" rather than "relying on staff."
- Train and mentor undergraduate students interested in medicine and health sciences.
- Teach investigators how to navigate the research process.
- Help investigators know what questions to ask.
- Serve as a translator/interpreter for research guidelines at the University of Utah and extramural funding agencies.
Our goal is to foster a team approach to research development, implementation, and management. We assist faculty in establishing contacts with all necessary resources and staff for the effective and efficient administration of their research and funding, including:
- Biostatistical support,
- Budgeting,
- Data development and analysis,
- Grant submission and reporting,
- Clinical trials and network expertise,
- Human subjects IRB and animal welfare IACUC,
- Proposal editing and formatting, and
- Research coordinator and assistant pools.

J. Michael Dean, MD, MBA
Associate Dean for Clinical Research
Vice Chairman for Research
Department of Pediatrics
Director, Clinical Trials Office
University of Utah School of Medicine

H. Joseph Yost, PhD
Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair
Vice Chairman for Basic Science Research, Department of Pediatrics
Professor of Neurobiology & Anatomy, and Pediatrics
University of Utah Molecular Medicine Program

Heather Keenan, MDCM, PhD
Associate Chair for Research
Professor, Critical Care Medicine
Director Career Development
Departmental of Pediatrics
Program Directors
Pre-Award Office:
Lisa Joss-Moore, PhD
Professor, Pediatrics
Research Education:
Maija Holsti, MD, MPH
Professor, Pediatric Emergency Medicine