Types of Gifts
Matching Gifts: Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees.
To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, enter your employer's name on the Matching Gifts employer search page, or contact your employer's human resources department.
Memorial and Honor Gifts: Many opportunities exist to make gifts to the Department of Pediatrics in memory or honor of a loved one, friend, or even as a special thank-you to your favorite care provider.
Securities and Property Gifts: Individuals who transfer stock or property can receive tax deductions and avoid capital gains. As always, consult your tax advisor before transferring stocks, bonds, or property.
Pledges: A pledge can be paid out over a period of three to five years. This allows the donor to commit to a larger gift amount, while enjoying the tax benefits of the actual amount given in a specific calendar year. Many endowments are funded this way.
Leave A Legacy: For some of our donors, an outright gift is not the best option. Planned gifts can offer significant estate-tax and income benefits, while at the same time allowing donors to make larger gifts to the university than would be otherwise possible.
This option enables you to leave a portion of your estate to the health sciences center through your will, your trust, or your life insurance policy. Find more information on planned gifts, visit Planned Giving.
Endowed Gifts: An endowment is a permanent source of financial support for the university health sciences center. An endowed gift is an excellent way of honoring someone important to you.
Endowed faculty positions are particularly powerful incentives for attracting and retaining exceptional physicians and scientists and, consequently, raising the visibility of the department and the university.
These gifts are invested by the university to generate annual income and a portion of the return is used to fulfill the donor's wishes. The balance of interest and the appreciation remain in the fund so that the principle continues to grow and keep pace with inflation.
Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID# 87-6000525.