Endowed Chairs
The talented physicians, surgeons, and scientists at the University of Utah are at the core of our medical care, education, and research missions. These world-renowned experts are among the world’s elite in pediatric medicine—and our patients and families deserve nothing less than the best. But engaging the finest doctors in the world presents a unique challenge, especially because competition among specialty hospitals is so fierce.
One of our most important advantages for engaging these specialists is our ability to offer endowed chairs. Once an endowed chair is in place, the chair holder has access to significant funds that may be used to provide support for innovative research projects or to launch new programs.
Endowed chairs are supported by gifts at two levels: the $1 million level (Endowed Chair) and the $1.5 million level (Presidential Endowed Chair). Currently, there are 11 endowed chairs within the Department of Pediatrics.
To establish an endowed chair in support of pediatrics, please contact Catherine Raney.