Academic Associates Publications
First Semester Enrolled | Study | Description | Publication Title | Journal | Date |
Fall 2009 | Biosignature | A multi-centered study looking at RNA responses in febrile infants to predict serious bacterial illness | Association of RNA Biosignatures with Bacterial Infections in Febrile Infants Aged 60 Days or Younger | Journal of American Medical Association | 2016 |
Fall 2009 |
PICU Glucose
A randomized controlled trial that analyzes whether a blood glucose control protocol better controls blood glucose in pediatric intensive care patients than no protocol | The evolution of eProtocols that enable reproducibleclinical research and care methods | Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing | 2012 |
A Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Bedside Computer Clinical Decision Support Protocol for Hyperglycemia Is Feasible, Safe and Offers Advantages | Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics | 2017 | |||
Design and rationale of Heart and Lung Failure – Pediatric INsulin Titration Trial (HALF-PINT): A randomized clinical trial of tight glycemic control in hyperglycemic critically ill children | Contemporary Clinical Trials | 2017 | |||
Abdominal Trauma | A multi-centered study to identify factors associated with intra-abdominal injury in pediatric blunt-trauma patients | Accuracy of the abdominal examination for identifying children with blunt intr-abdominal injuries' | Journal of Pediatrics | 2014 | |
Relationship of Physician-identified Patient Race and Ethnicity to Use of Computed Tomography in Pediatric Blunt Torso Trauma | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2016 | |||
Comparison of Clinician Suspicion Versus a Clinical Prediction Rule in Identifying Children at Risk for Intra- abdominal Injuries After Blunt Torso Trauma | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2015 | |||
Management of children with solid organ injuries after blunt torso trauma | Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery | 2015 | |||
Use of Oral Contrast for Abdominal Computed Tomography in Children With Blunt Torso Trauma | Annals of Emergency Medicine | 2015 | |||
Association Between the Seat Belt Sign and Intra abdominal Injuries in Children With Blunt Torso Trauma in Motor Vehicle Collisions | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2014 | |||
Use of the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination and its impact on abdominal computed tomography use in hemodynamically stable children with blunt torso trauma | Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery | 2014 | |||
Interobserver Agreement in the Clinical Assessment of Children With Blunt Abdominal Trauma | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2013 | |||
A Multicenter Study of the Risk of Intra-Abdominal Injury in Children After Normal Abdominal Computed Tomography Scan Results in the Emergency Department | Annals of Emergency Medicine | 2013 | |||
Identifying Children at Very Low Risk of Clinically Important Blunt Abdominal Injuries | Annals of Emergency Medicine | 2011 | |||
Occult Pneumothoraces in Children With Blunt Torso Trauma | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2014 | |||
Sensitivity of Plain Pelvis Radiography in Children With Blunt Torso Trauma | Annals of Emergency Medicine | 2015 | |||
Fall 2009 | RESTORE PICU | A multi-centered randomized controlled study comparing a sedation protocol versus no protocol to prepare intubated patients for extubation | Protocolized sedation vs usual care in pediatric patients mechanicall ventilated for acute respiratory failure: a randomized clinical trial' | Journal of American Medical Association | 2015 |
Early High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in Pediatric Acute | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical | 2016 | |||
Dexmedetomidine Use in Critically Ill Children With Acute Respiratory Failure* | Pediatric Critical Care Medicine | 2016 | |||
Patient, Process, and System Predictors of Iatrogenic Withdrawal Syndrome in Critically Ill Children* | Critical Care Medicine | 2017 | |||
Sedation Management in Children Supported on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Respiratory Failure | Critical Care Medicine | 2017 | |||
Accuracy of an Extubation Readiness Test in Predicting Successful Extubation in Children With Acute Respiratory Failure From Lower Respiratory Tract Disease | Critical Care Medicine | 2017 | |||
Multiple Organ Dysfunction in Children Mechanically Ventilated for Acute Respiratory Failure | Pediatric Critical Care Medicine | 2017 | |||
Maintaining Interrater Agreement of Core Assessment Instruments in a Multisite Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial: The Randomized Evaluation of Sedation Titration for Respiratory Failure (RESTORE) Trial | Nursing Research | 2017 | |||
Fall 2009 | Seizure | A multi-centered randomized double- blinded controlled study comparing two medications for the treatment of pediatric status epilepticus | Lorazepam vs diazapam for pediatric status epilepticus: a randomized clinical trial' | Journal of American Medical Association | 2014 |
Fall 2009 | THAPCA | A multi-centered randomized controlled study analyzing whether hypothermia after pediatric cardiac arrest improves outcome | Functional Outcome Trajectories After Out-of-Hospital Pediatric Cardiac Arrest | Critical Care Medicine | 2016 |
Summer 2010 | Pneumonia | A multi-center study of the etiology of pneumonia in hospitalized children | Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among US children' | New England Journal of Medicine | 2015 |
Summer 2010 | Cardiology Questionnaire | A questionnaire for parents who have recently had a complex congenital heart defect in their child and the impact of counseling | Modifiers of stress related to timing of diagnosis in parents of children with complex congenital heart disease | Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine | 2016 |
Fall 2010 | Infant Neuro Trauma | A multi-center study to diagnose silent brain injury in infants | Validation of the Pittsburgh Infant Brain Injury Score for Abusive Head Trauma' | Pediatrics | 2016 |
Fall 2010 | Maternal Flu | A single-center study to understand how maternal immunization affects infant immunity to influenza | Influenza in Infants Born to Women Vaccinated During Pregnancy' | Pediatrics | 2016 |
Fall 2010 | STAGES | A single-centered study of Adipokines, Growth and Endocrine Stages of Adolescent patients | Breast-feeding, Leptin:Adiponectin Ratio, and Metabolic Dysfunction in Adolescents with Obesity | Southern Medical Journal | 2017 |
Fall 2010 | Quality of Life in Children with Disabilities | A single-centered survey of perceived quality of life in patients with significant developmental delay and/or medical issues | Differing perceptions regarding quality of life and inpatient treatment goals for children with severe disabilities' | Academic Pediatrics | 2014 |
Spring 2011 | Appendicitis | A single-centered study to help improve the diagnosis of appendicitis in children while minimizing exposure to radiation | Implementing an ultrasound-based protocol for diagnosing appendicitis while maintaining diagnostic accuracy' | Pediatric Radiology | 2015 |
Spring 2011 | Fracture Pain | A single-centered study to determine the quickest, most effective pain relief for children presenting to the ER with possible extremity fracture | Pediatric emergency department triage-based pain guideline utilizing intranasal fentanyl: Effect of implementation | American Journal of Emergency Medicine | 2018 |
Spring 2011 | Burden of Cancer | A single-centered study to evaluate the burden of childhood cancer care on patient’s and their families | Financial Burden of Pediatric Cancer for Patients and Their Families' | Journal of Oncology Practice | 2014 |
Spring 2011 | Asthma Severity | A single-centered study to identify genetic variables in response to asthma medication use in children | Activation of Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin-1 by Insoluble Particulate Material and Association with Asthma' | American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Mole | 2015 |
Fall 2011 | Progesterone | A multi-centered pilot study that collects data for a larger study of progesterone after a traumatic brain injury | Progesterone for neuroprotection in pediatric traumatic brain injury' | Pediatric Clinical Care Medicine | 2015 |
Spring 2012 | Skull Fracture | A single-centered study assessing neurological complications of patients with an isolated skull fracture who have been discharged from the Emergency Department | Impact of newly adopted guidelines for management of children with isolated skull fractures' | Journal of Pediatric Surgery | 2014 |
Fall 2012 | LP Positioning | A single-centered study comparing the success of lumbar puncture in two positions with infants | A randomized controlled trial of positioning for lumbar puncture in young infants' | Pediatric Emergency Care | 2016 |
Spring 2013 | CDAT | A single-centered study to evaluate how traumatic brain injury affects children’s development | Persistent post-concussion symptoms after injury | Pediatrics | 2018 |
Healthcare utilization and missed workdays of parents of children with traumatic brain injury | Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation | 2019 | |||
Ability of the PILOT score to predict 6-month functional outcomes in pediatric patients with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury | Journal of Pediatric Surgery | 2019 | |||
Longitudinal developmental outcomes after traumatic brain injury in young children: are infants more vulnerable than toddlers? | Journal of Neurotrauma | 2019 | |||
Psychosocial and executive function recovery trajectories one year after pediatric traumatic brain injury: the influence of age and injury severity | Journal of Neurotrauma | 2018 | |||
Spring 2014 | PEER | A single-centered study to evaluate the effects of the environment on gene expression in the placenta | The fascinating and complex role of the placenta in pregnancy and fetal well-being' | Journal of Midwifery Womens Health | 2015 |
Spring 2015 | Orencia | A single-centered study characterize and evaluate the safety of adatacept in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis | Subcutaneous Abatacept in Patients WithPolyarticular Course Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis | Arthritis & Rheumatology | 2018 |
Spring 2015 | SoMo | A single-centered study to examine the use of social media among families whose children are treated in Oncology and assess their satisfaction with provided services | Social Media Use Among Parents and Caregivers of Children with Cancer | Journal of Pediatric Oncology | 2018 |
Summer 2015 | ESETT | A single centered community consultation survey to gather feedback for an upcoming study on epilepticus that is exempt from informed consent | Randomized Trial of Three Anticonvulsant Medications for Status Epilepticus | The New England Journal of Medicine | 2019 |
Summer 2016 | Survivors of Care (SOAR) | A multi-centered study to define RNA Biosignatures in febrile infants with baterial, viral, or viral-bacterial infections | An Assessment to Inform Pediatric Cancer Provider Development and Delivery of Survivor Care Plans. | Journal of Cancer Education | 2015 |
Survivorship care plan experiences among childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients and their families. | BMC Pediatrics | 2019 | |||
Fall 2016 | Asthma IV Magnesium | A multi-centered study to better understand how magnesium affects kids with asthma and how their bodies process it | Prospective study of serum and ionized magnesium pharmacokinetics in the treatment of children with severe acute asthma | European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology | 2018 |
Fall 2016 | Poison Control Study | A single-centered study to assess parents attitudes and behaviors related to managing pediatric poisonings | Study of Caregivers Regarding Pediatric Poisoning | Clinical Pediatrics | 2019 |
Spring 2017 | Bronchiolitis Study | A single-centered study to learn about what happens to children with bronchiolitis after they are sent home following hospitalization | Outcomes of Follow-up Visits After Bronchiolitis Hospitalizations | JAMA Pediatrics | 2018 |
Spring 2017 | Tetanus Study | A single-centered survey to assess accuracy of need for tetanus vaccine/booster after laceration based on parental history compared with the state database | Accuracy of Parental-Reported Tetanus Vaccination Status for Children With Lacerations | Pediatric Emergency Care | 2019 |
Fall 2020 | Social Determinants of Health | A single centered study to understand and identify the scope of social determinants of health within the PCH ED patient population. | Social Needs Screenings During Pediatric Emergency Department Visits: Disparities in Unmet Social Needs | Academic Pediatrics | 2022 |