Community, Cultural, & Academic Mentoring
A unique element of the NARI program is the development of a robust cultural mentorship for NARI participants. Our program personnel thoughtfully pair each participant with a cultural mentor prior to their arrival in Utah. Participants meet their mentors during orientation at the welcome reception. These mentors come from campus and the local community. Most cultural mentors are involved in scientific disciplines. Based on prior feedback, participants and cultural mentors meet both informally and formally. Formal meetings are required three times during the internship with their research mentors to go over IDPs, research, career goals, and overall experience. The cultural mentors are invaluable for continued support of the student’s cultural identity in and out of the classroom and they serve as an important translator for participants as they immerse themselves in the new culture of biomedical research. Cultural mentors are also intimately involved with the selection of participants for the program, evaluation of the program, and strategic program planning. The table below lists our outstanding AI/AN cultural mentor currently participating in the NARI program who have agreed to continue their participation in the NARI program.