Provider Resources
Pass offers a flip chart to help health care providers discuss the health effects and dangers of secondhand smoking to children.
PASS offers a flip chart for health care providers to help assess parents’ desires to quit smoking called the “Stages of Change Screening Tool.”
Resources for Tobacco Cessation
The Salt Lake Valley Health Department offers a tool to compare the effectiveness of different medications for quitting tobacco.
AAP Policy Statement and Technical Reports on Tobacco
Tobacco Use: A Pediatric Disease
Tobacco as a Substance of Abuse
Secondhand and Prenatal Tobacco Smoke Exposure
Literature on Pediatric-Based Tobacco Cessation Interventions
Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Development of Framework and intervention
Family Composition and Children's Exposure to Adult Smokers in Their Homes
State-of-the-Art Interventions for Office-Based Parental Tobacco Control
Pediatric-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Low-Income Women
Contact Us
Phone: 801-662-3645
Pediatricians Against Secondhand Smoke
Department of Pediatrics
Christopher W. Miller, M.D.
Email: Christopher.Miller@hsc.utah.edu
Melody Baugh
Administrative Assistant
Pediatric Inpatient Medicine
Primary Children's Hospital
100 N Mario Capecchi Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84113